Terms & Conditions

POSB PAssion Run for Kids 2024 (“Run”)


The Event is co-organised by DBS Bank Limited, The People’s Association (PA) and Tribob.com Pte Ltd (collectively, the “Organisers”). These terms and conditions apply to the Event and are found at www.posb.com.sg/runforkids  and www.posbpassionrunforkids.com (the “Official Websites”).

The Organisers may amend these terms and conditions at their sole discretion without notice or liability to any party. Participants should check the Official Website regularly for the latest terms and conditions and Event information. The Organisers’ decision on all matters arising out of or in relation to this Event shall be final and binding and they shall not be obliged to enter any correspondence on any matter concerning the Event. These terms and conditions apply to Participants, and where applicable to the parents/guardians of Participants who are under 18 years of age.


1.    By signing up for the Event, including but not limited to completion and submission of the    online registration form, each Participant (the “Participant”) in the Event acknowledges and agrees to these terms and conditions, and the amendments that may be made from time to time. The Participant agrees that the online registration in the Event is personal to the Participant and is not transferable to any other person, nor will any other person be permitted to participate in the Participant’s place.

2.    Each Participant certifies that he/she is 18 years of age or older at the time of registration for the Event. If a Participant is below 18 years of age, the Participant must seek parental or guardian’s consent before registering and participating in the Event, and in such an instance, the Participant’s parent or guardian certifies that he/she has read this document, , fully understands, and agrees to these terms and conditions for and on behalf of the Participant.

3.    The Participant declares as a condition of entry into the Event that:
(i)    The Participant has undertaken appropriate and sufficient training for the Event.
(ii)    The Participant is not aware of any condition, illness, injury, or disability that may cause or result in injury or death during or because of participating in the Event; and 
(iii)    The Participant shall keep himself/herself informed, and shall be responsible for assessing the dangers, hazards, and other risks of taking part in the Event notwithstanding any actions or activities undertaken by the Organisers and its employees, directors, agents, or contractors in promoting, staging, organizing, or marketing the Event. 

4.    The Participant: 
(i)    declares that he/she has provided true, accurate, current, and complete information about himself/herself in the online registration form (the “Registration Data”);                  
(ii)    agrees to promptly update the online Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete if there are any changes upon registration.

5.    The Participant declares that the decision to take part in the Event is entirely his/her own decision, and accepts all risks associated with participating in the Event, including but not limited to the loss of life and/or any permanent injury.

6.    Payment will be collected via a third-party, on behalf of DBS / POSB. Registration is only confirmed upon successful payment and issuance of a confirmation slip via email. No refunds will be entertained after registration is confirmed.

7.    The Organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone the Event, or to modify any part of    the Event, including but not limited to the date, course and/or location, at any time without prior notice and without liability to the Participants. In the event of such cancellation, postponement or modification, the Organisers will post the details of cancellation, postponement, or modification on the Official Website, and may inform the Participants prior to the date of the Event. If the Event is cancelled, postponed, or modified, there shall be no refund of registration fees paid unless otherwise determined by the Organisers in their sole discretion. If the cancelled or postponed Event is not rescheduled, the Organisers shall not be liable for any loss or inconvenience caused.

8.    The Organisers reserve the right to: 
(i)    Set the fees for the different race categories in the Event at their sole discretion
(ii)    Limit and refuse entries.

9.    Upon successful registration for the Event, there shall be no refund of registration fees for Participants who did not take part in the Event, for whatsoever reason. It is the responsibility of the Participant to check that he/she has duly completed and submitted the online registration form and to check that such registration has been accepted by the Organisers. The Organisers shall not be responsible for incomplete entry details or the failure to process and accept the Participant’s registration, including but not limited to any  technical glitches, faults and/or delays that may occur.

10.    Participants with a valid promotion code shall enter the promotion code during the online registration process to enjoy any applicable discount. There shall be no refund for any unutilised promotion code.

11.    Registration for the Event ends on 23 October 2024. Entries will not be accepted after the close of registration.


12.    The Event is scheduled to take place on 17 November 2024.

13.    Participants agree to review all pre-race materials and will obey all rules, regulations and policies. These rules and policies include the race preparation emails and all traffic and local laws.

14.    Participants understand that participating in this activity may require high fitness and endurance and by signing up for this Event, confirms that they have the appropriate conditioning and fitness.

15.    Proper race etiquette is required at all times and Participants agree that they will respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual at the event, including but not limited to other participants, volunteers and spectators. Participants agree to, at all times, act professionally and responsibly and maintain sportsmanlike conduct. Participants also agree that they will not discriminate against any person on any grounds because of sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, ability or performance. 

16.    The Organisers reserve the right to remove any Participant deemed physically incapable of continuing the race.

17.    Prior to race day, in the event of inclement weather, force majeure or other hazardous conditions, the Organisers reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the race or change the venue and racecourse and distance without any refund of any costs incurred by the Participants in connection with the Event.

18.    On race day, in the event of inclement weather, force majeure or other hazardous conditions, the Organisers reserve the right to delay the commencement of the race, shorten the race, modify the course or change venue. Should inclement weather or other hazardous conditions persist after the delay, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the race without any liability. 

19.    Participants are fully responsible for the security of personal possessions at the Event and the Organisers will not be liable for the loss and/or replacement of any personal possessions.

20.    Baggage deposit services are provided on the race day. While reasonable care will be taken by the Organisers to safeguard the baggage deposit items, the use of this service is at the Participants’ own risk and the Organisers will not be held responsible for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise, to the belongings and items deposited. Participants are advised not to deposit any cash or fragile or valuable items (including but not limited to mobile phones) at the baggage deposit counter. The Organisers also reserve the right to check any items or baggage deposited. 


21.    Participants must wear their assigned number bib as instructed at all times during the Race.

22.    Participants not wearing the assigned number bib will not be allowed to take part in the Race.

23.    Participants may be disqualified if they do not:
(i)    wear the Event race bib with timing chip during the Event
(ii)    start the race within 15 minutes from the respective flag-off times
(iii)    run on the designated route.

24.    There will be no fee refunds for any participant who is disqualified for any reason.

25.    In accordance with the International Association of Athletic Federation (IAAF), the official recognised race time is based on Gun Time for all categories, unless otherwise stated. The recognised race time for the Kids’ categories is based on Chip (Net) Time. 

26.    The Race Director, appointed by the Organisers, has the overall authority over the race results and interpretation of the race rules.

27.    Participants’ finish time will be recorded using an electronic timing chip.

28.    Pets are not allowed on the racecourse at any time.

29.    Any form of wheel-run transport (including but not limited to all scooters, in-line skates, prams, push chairs and shoes with rollers) are not allowed on the 10km, 5km, 1.2km or 800m courses.  Only prams, push chairs, strollers, kick scooters, and strider bikes (no pedal bikes) are permitted on the course for children under 6 years old and individuals with physical challenges. These items are allowed solely during the 3.5km Fun Walk.

30.    Any dispute over the official race results must be made on-site in person, in a written format within 15 minutes upon the release of the said results. Thereafter, a S$50.00 non-refundable fee will be levied per dispute investigation request. The Organisers’ decision on the dispute investigation request shall be final and binding on all affected participants. 

31.    The Organisers, in their sole discretion, may delay, modify, or cancel the Event for any reason, including if they believe the conditions on the race day are unsafe. In the event the Event is delayed, modified, or cancelled, including but not limited to acts of God or the elements (including without limitation, wind, rain, haze, hail, hurricane, tornado, earthquake), acts of terrorism, fire, threatened or actual strike, tightened social distancing measures, labour difficulty, work stoppage, insurrection, war, public disaster, public health risk or pandemic, flood, unavoidable casualty, race course conditions, or any other cause beyond the control of the Organisers, there shall be no refund of any costs incurred in connection with the Event.

32.    It is the Participant’s responsibility to complete the full distance of the designated route.

33.    Participants must complete the entirety of the route by themselves, and not use any other person, vehicle or mode to move their timing device around the route.

34.    Participants must wear their assigned number bib, with their race number clearly visible at the front of their apparel at all times.

35.    Participants are prohibited from participating in the Event without shirts and/or removing their shirts during the Event.

36.    Barefoot running is not allowed, shoes must be worn at all times during the run.


37.    The race shall consist of the following categories:
(i)    10KM – 16 years and above
(ii)    5KM – 13 years and above
(iii)     1.2KM – Boys & Girls 9 – 12 Years 
(iv)    800m – Boys & Girls 7 & 8 Years
(v)    3.5KM Fun Walk


38.    Mixed team of 4 is an optional challenge for 10km Participants. Each team must comprise of four registered Participants.

39.    Each Participant can only join one team. 

40.    Each team must select a team name and is eligible for the team awards.

41.    The verification of the top teams for podium prizes will be subject to the Organisers’ decision which shall be final and conclusive.

42.    Team of 4 Participants will also receive an individual ranking.


43.    Participants who opt for race entitlements (“Entitlements”), shall attend the race pack collection on 1-2 November to receive their items.

44.    Participants unable to attend the race pack collection may apply to receive their Entitlements by post. The Entitlements will be posted to the mailing address provided.

45.    It is the sole responsibility of Participants opting for delivery to provide their correct personal particulars such as the name and residential address. In the event of any re-delivery of Entitlements (e.g., because of incorrect name or address provided), participants agree to bear all additional costs.

46.    The Entitlements delivered will be based on the items selected during registration, added after registration and upon successful payment.

47.    As registered postages are used to deliver the Entitlements; the Organisers shall not be liable for any loss of goods during the delivery.

48.    The Organisers reserve the right to replace any Entitlement with products of similar value without giving prior notification or any reasons to the Participants.

49.    Overseas delivery will not be entertained. All participants requesting delivery must provide a Singapore address.

50.    T-shirt sizes are subject to availability. Exchange of t-shirt sizing is not permitted after registration confirmation.

51.    The replacement fee for a misplaced race bib and timing chip is S$15.00.


52.    While participating in the Event, participants agree to comply with any public health and/or safety directions of staff, representatives or contractors of the Organisers, the police and government or health authorities.

53.    The Organisers will not be providing personal accident insurance or medical insurance coverage for Participants of the Event. It is the Participant’s own responsibility to ensure that they procure and maintain at their own expense the necessary applicable insurance policies required for their participation in the Event.

54.    It is the responsibility of the Participants to have themselves medically certified fit to participate in the Event.

55.    Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the Event.

56.    A Participant must withdraw from the race immediately if requested to do so by any member of the official medical team.

57.    The Organisers will not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, death, or accidents experienced during and/or after the course of the walk/run. Participants are to exercise vigilance when it comes to the traffic, weather, and/or other conditions while taking part in the physical run. The Organisers will not be liable for any injury, loss, damage and/or loss of life in the process.


58.    Participants fully understand, acknowledge, and assume the risks involved in participating   in the Event and accept full responsibility for such risks, even if caused in whole or in part by the action, inaction, negligence, or fault of the Organisers.

59.    Participants do hereby waive discharge and fully release the Organisers (including its officers, servants, employees, agents, directors and volunteers) from all or any responsibility, actions, causes of actions, claims, demands and obligations whatsoever arising from any loss or damage (including indirect and consequential losses), to the extent  permissible by law, (including physical injury, loss of life or property damage) caused by or sustained as a result of the Participant’s attendance and/or participation in the Event.

60.    Participants shall be fully liable for any loss, damage (including physical injury, loss of life or property damage, whether indirect or consequential) caused by or sustained because of the Participant’s attendance and/or participation in the Event.

61.    Participant expressly and voluntarily agree to waive, release, acquit and forever discharge the Organisers and agree to defend, indemnify and keep indemnified, save and hold harmless the Organisers (including its officers, directors, servants, employees, agents and volunteers) against all losses, claims, demands, injuries, death, action proceedings, damages, costs or expenses, including legal fees (on a full indemnity basis), and any other liability arising in any way from their participation in the Event.

62.    In the event of an accident or illness requiring urgent medical treatment and/or attention, Participants hereby grant the Organisers the right to request for emergency medical services for them and they agree to bear all, and any associated costs incurred from the same.


63.    Parent/Guardian agrees and consent to the Child taking part in the Event as set out under  the terms and conditions above, and further agree as follows:

a)    Parent/Guardian is fully aware, has read, understood, and agrees to the terms and conditions.
b)    Parent/Guardian endorse and acknowledge that their consent shall be provided as a precondition to the Child participating in the Event.
c)    By permitting the Child to participate in the Event, Parent/Guardian agree to the terms and conditions, understand, and assume all responsibility and risks associated with the same.
d)    Parent/Guardian agrees to release, waive, and discharge the Organisers (including its officers, directors, servants, employees, agents or volunteers) from all or any liability, responsibility, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses, including legal fees (on a full indemnity basis), and any other liability, arising out of and/or in connection with the Child’s participation in the Event irrevocably and unconditionally, fully and forever, fully.


64.    By registering online and participating in the Event, the Participant acknowledges the privacy statements below and consents to the collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of the Participant’s personal information as set out below.

65.    Participants consent to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal particulars including photographs and recorded videos by/to the Organisers and/or their employees, officers, agents, vendors and such other third party for the editorial, advertising, promotional and/or marketing purposes of the Event.

66.    The Participants agree that the Organisers may contact them for any matter in relation to this Event, including but not limited to receiving email notification and/or SMS’s in connection  with this Event.

67.    If a third-party registers on behalf of a Participant for the Event (the “Registering Party”), the Registering Party confirms that he/she has obtained consent from the Participant to furnish such personal data and further consents on behalf of the Participant to the Organisers’ collection, use and disclosure of the Participant’s personal particulars for the editorial, advertising, promotional and/or marketing purposes of the Event. The Registering Party also, on the Participant’s behalf, agrees to the terms and conditions of the POSB PAssion Run for Kids.

68.    The Participants also accept that they may be photographed/video recorded at the Event and that some of these may be utilized in the Organisers’ materials and/or featured on the Organisers’ websites or external publications/commercial advertising and other promotional purposes linked to the Event. The Organisers shall not be required to notify the Participant nor to make any payments to any Participant for the use and/or publication of any photographs/video recording involving the Participant.

69.    The Participant consents to the Organisers’ use and publication for the purposes, without  notice and without compensation or other payment to the Participant, of any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other records of the Event that may contain the Participant’s image, voice, or statement, and to the use and publication of the Participant’s name, race result, age in any form of media (including but not limited to the Official Website, POSB website, newspapers, and news media websites).

70.    If the Participant and/or Registering Party provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or if the Organisers have grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, the Organisers may suspend or terminate the Participant’s registration and/or participation in the Event, and/or refuse any and all future use of the Official Website (or any parts thereof). The Participant will not be refunded for any amounts paid.

71.    The Organisers may amend any of these Terms and Conditions without prior notice or liability to any party.

72.    The Organisers’ decision on all matters arising out of or in relation to this Event shall be final and binding on the Participants. DBS/POSB shall not be obliged to enter any correspondence on any matter concerning the Event.

If you have any enquiries regarding the terms and conditions, please contact us at runforkids@dbs.com

© 2024 POSB PAssion Run For Kids All rights reserved.